Walkthrough - Elden Ring Guide - IGN (2025)

IGN's Elden Ring complete strategy guide and walkthrough will lead you through every step of Elden Ring from the title screen to the final credits, including every collectible location, boss strategy and more.

Continuing in the vein of previous titles from FromSoftware including Dark Souls and Bloodborne, Elden Ring is set in a brand new world of dark fantasy, and brimming with dangerous dungeons and powerful enemies. Long ago, the land was ruled by an eternal Queen Marika and her demigod children, under the blessing of the giant Erdtree and the magical power known as the Elden Ring. However, unknown forces stole the Rune of Death from the Elden Ring's power, bringing about war and cataclysm between the Demigods, and the Elden Ring was shattered. Your task as one of the formerly exiled Tarnished is to return to the Lands Between ruined by war, and recover the Great Runes from the maddened Demigods to become an Elden Lord.

Unlike previous From Software titles, Elden Ring allows you to traverse a vast open world filled with lost souls, treasure, various challenging mini dungeons, imposing roaming world bosses, and secrets in every corner. Each major region of The Lands Between is home to a Legacy Dungeon, home to one of the Demigods, and more familiar to Souls fans as a more traditional and possibly linear dungeon experience. Because of this, you'll be able to approach your adventure in a variety of ways, and possibly even tackle the different Legacy Dungeons in different orders.

Get started with Essential Tips and Tricks and Things Elden Ring Doesn't Tell You, and then use our Walkthrough and Guide to help you through each of the main Legacy Dungeons for strategies on advancing through the tricky locations, tips to defeat the bosses within - as well as where to find every Item, Weapon, Armor, and more along the way. If you just want to read up on a boss, we also assembled a complete list of Elden Ring Bosses along with tips and videos on how to beat them.


IGN's Elden Ring Walkthrough is presented with the initial tutorial intro, followed by general overviews for each segment of the main regions of The Lands Between, with links to all major points of interest, mini dungeons, roaming bosses, and secrets. Once you've had your fill exploring and getting more powerful, our walkthrough continues with in depth guides for the Legacy Dungeon of that region, including how to get in, and how to defeat the bosses within while finding every item and secret path along the way.

To learn more, select a section below:

The Walkthrough Sections are listed below in order of natural progression and difficulty, but can be attemped out of order.

Limgrave Guides and Walkthrough

  • Stranded Graveyard - Cave of Knowledge Tutorial
  • West Limgrave - Region Guide, Dungeon Locations, and Points of Interest
  • East Limgrave - Region Guide, Dungeon Locations, and Points of Interest
  • Weeping Peninsula - Region Guide, Dungeon Locations, and Poins of Interest
  • Stormveil Castle - Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough
  • Siofra River - Underground Region Walkthrough

Liurnia Guides and Walkthroughs

  • East Liurnia - Region Guide, Dungeon Locations, and Points of Interest
  • North Liurnia - Region Guide, Dungeon Locations, and Points of Interest
  • West Liurnia - Region Guide, Dungeon Locations, and Points of Interest
  • Academy of Raya Lucaria - Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough
  • Ainsel River - Underground Region Walkthrough

Caelid Guides and Walkthrough

  • Caelid - Region Guide, Dungeon Locations, and Points of Interest
  • Redmane Castle - Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough
  • Nokron, Eternal City - Underground Region Walkthrough


The Altus Plateau Guides and Walkthrough

  • Altus Plateau - Region Guide, Dungeon Locations, and Points of Interest
  • Mt. Gelmir - Region Guide, Dungeon Locations, and Points of Interest
  • Volcano Manor - Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough
  • Nokstella, Eternal City and the Lake of Rot - Underground Region Walkthrough
  • Dragonbarrow - Region Guide, Dungeon Locations, and Points of Interest
  • Leyndell Capital Outskirts - Region Guide, Dungeon Locations, and Points of Interest
  • Deeproot Depths - Underground Region Walkthrough
  • Leyndell, Royal Capital - Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough

The Mountaintops of the Giants Guides and Walkthhrough

  • West Mountaintops of the Giants
  • East Mountaintops of the Giants - Region Guide, Dungeon Locations, and Points of Interest
  • Forge of the Giants - Main Boss Guide
  • Subterranean Shunning-Grounds - Underground Region Walkthrough
  • Consecrated Snowfield - Region Guide, Dungeon Locations, and Points of Interest
  • Mohgwyn Palace - Underground Region Walkthrough
  • Miquella's Haligtree - Secret Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough
  • Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree - Secret Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough

The Finale Guides and Walkthrough

  • Crumbling Farum Azula - Legacy Dungeon Walkthrough
  • Leyndell, Ashen Capital - Finale Walkthrough
  • Endings

Elden Ring: Hardest Main Boss Face-Off

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Unlike other open world RPGs and action games, Elden Ring's side quests are exclusively tied to the characters you meet as your travel through the Lands Between. Many of them can be found in secret locations, and may travel to different regions as you do over the course of the game, pursing their own agendas. Some will help you, others may lie or even turn against you - and certain character quests can culminate in helping you achieve different endings by allying yourself to certain people or factions - and only by following their questline can you activate these endings after beating the final boss. Note that you won't have to choose between character quests to follow whether or not you choose to invoke an ending they may have for you. All character questlines can be completed alongside each other (or ended early if you decide to kill someone). Below you'll find the most major questlines that can trigger unique endings:

  • Ranni the Witch's Character Questline
  • Hyetta the Blind Maiden's Character Questline
  • The Dung Eater's Character Questline
  • Fia the Deathbed Companion's Character Questline
  • Brother Corhyn and Goldmask's Character Questline

For all other questlines for minor character - including where to find them and what rewards they give, see our complete NPC Character Side Quest Guide.

Up Next: Stranded Graveyard - Cave of Knowledge Tutorial

PreviousElden Ring GuideNextStranded Graveyard - Cave of Knowledge Tutorial

Top Guide Sections

  • Walkthrough
  • Shadow of the Erdtree DLC
  • Side Quests - NPC Character Questlines
  • Boss Guides

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Walkthrough - Elden Ring Guide - IGN (6)

Elden Ring


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Walkthrough - Elden Ring Guide - IGN (2025)
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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.