Personal Growth
Written By Calm Editorial Team
Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, CDCES, MBA
Curious about setting intentions? Explore what intentions mean, examples of what they are, and the benefits of setting them. Plus, how to set your own intentions.
Setting intentions is more than just a self-help trend—it's a transformative practice that influences how we navigate our daily lives. It's about cultivating a mindset that guides our actions, emotions, and thoughts toward a desired way of being. Unlike goals—which are often specific and target-driven—intentions are rooted in our deepest desires and values, shaping the quality of our experiences rather than just the outcomes.
Through intention setting, we can identify what truly matters to us and make that the center of our daily actions and decisions.
What does intention setting mean?
Intention setting is a conscious and deliberate act where you identify and articulate what’s genuinely important to you. Intentions are about your inner journey and how you want to experience life. For instance, setting an intention to be more present in your daily interactions isn't about achieving a specific outcome but rather about cultivating a mindset of mindfulness and deeper engagement.
An intention-setting practice is also about recognizing and affirming your personal power and agency. It encourages you to ask yourself questions like, "How do I want to live,” “What qualities do I want to embody,” and, “How do I want to relate to others and the world around me?" By answering these questions, you establish intentions that help you respond to the complexities of daily life while staying true to your authentic self.
As you evolve, so do your intentions. They can be revised and refined to reflect your own life story, adapting to your current state of being and aspirations. This flexibility is what makes intention setting such a powerful tool for personal development and self-awareness.
The benefits of setting intentions for your wellbeing
Through setting intentions, you can engage with a wide range of benefits for your overall wellbeing.
Setting intentions aligns your daily actions with your broader life purpose and priorities.
This practice encourages deep thinking and reflection about your desires, ambitions, and the aspects of your life that require more attention or change.
Regularly setting intentions requires a level of self-reflection that supports personal development.
By focusing on intentions, you shift your mindset from worrying about outcomes to enjoying the journey.
Intention setting naturally leads to a more mindful way of living. When you're clear about your intentions, you're more present in each moment, making decisions and taking actions that are in line with your desired path.
Setting intentions about how you want to engage in relationships can lead to more meaningful and fulfilling connections.
12 examples of mindful intentions that you could set
Setting mindful intentions is a deeply personal process, as the most powerful intentions are those that truly speak to your individual journey and aspirations. Use these examples as inspiration and reflect on what kind of intentions resonate with your personal goals and lifestyle.
1. I express my thoughts and feelings with honesty
This intention is about embracing self-expression. Try to honor your truth and communicate it respectfully and authentically.
2. I make a conscious effort to recognize and meet my physical, emotional, and mental needs
Be aware of how you listen to yourself. Think about what self-care practices you can make a part of your daily routine and how you can set healthy boundaries.
3. I prioritize building and maintaining meaningful relationships
Prioritize spending quality time with loved ones. Consider how you can cultivate empathy and understanding in your interactions.
4. I place trust in my intuition and my emotions
This intention guides you to make decisions that feel right to you, acknowledging the wisdom that your feelings can offer.
5. I choose to move joyfully through the world
Engage in physical activities that bring happiness and vitality to your body. Whether it's dancing, yoga, or a simple walk, the intention is to celebrate movement.
6. I accept my full range of emotions without judgment
This intention is about allowing yourself to exist authentically in each experience. It encourages emotional honesty and resilience.
7. I embrace uplifting opportunities
Be open to new experiences, people, and ideas that bring positivity and growth into your life. It’s about saying yes to opportunities that align with your values and aspirations.
8. I actively seek and create moments that bring joy into my life
This can mean engaging in hobbies, spending time in nature, or simply enjoying quiet moments of gratitude.
9. I acknowledge and appreciate the good in my life, both big and small
This intention creates a positive mindset and helps in recognizing the abundance in your life.
10. I seek personal growth through all my experiences
Set an intention to continuously learn and grow. Embrace challenges as opportunities for development and remain open to learning from various experiences and people.
11. I am fully present in each moment
By practicing mindfulness and meditation, you can transform mundane activities into meaningful experiences and enhance your overall quality of life.
12. I explore my creative side without judgment
Whether it’s through art, writing, cooking, or any other form of creative expression, let this intention guide you to explore and express your inner world.
How to set intentions that are mindful and meaningful
Setting intentions involves a reflective and thoughtful process, with the end goal of a more fulfilling life. When you set intentions, remember that it is an ongoing process and that meaningful intentions will evolve as you do. Stay open to learning and growing!
1. Be clear about what you want
Start by getting very clear about what you desire in your life. This clarity involves deep introspection to understand what truly matters to you, what brings you joy, and what aligns with your core values. It’s the foundation of setting intentions that are meaningful and resonant.
💙 Find inspiration from Matthew McConaughey’s Living With Intention episode of The Spark. He shares how to find your core values and stay true to yourself.
2. Focus on the positive
When framing your intentions, it's important to focus on positive language and outcomes. Instead of setting an intention to stop being so stressed, frame it positively like, "I intend to embrace calm and peace in my daily life." This positive framing helps in creating a constructive and hopeful mindset.
💙 Learn how to rewire your brain and Shift Your Self-Talk with Jay Shetty.
3. Keep it simple
Complexity can dilute the power of your intentions. Instead, aim for simplicity and clarity. A simple, clear intention is easy to remember and focus on and can more effectively guide your thoughts and actions throughout the day.
💙 Tune in to The Daily Calm to discover how to live with greater Simplicity.
4. State your intentions often
Regularly remind yourself of your intentions. You can write them down in a journal, repeat them as affirmations, or create visual reminders like sticky notes or digital wallpapers. The more you revisit your intentions, the more ingrained they become in your consciousness.
5. Align actions with intentions
Reflect on how you can align your daily actions with your intentions. This might involve changing certain habits, making different choices, or creating new routines that support your intentions.
💙 Learn from Jay Shetty about the power of Habit Stacking and how you can build up the behaviors you want.
6. Practice patience and persistence
Change doesn't happen overnight. Be patient with yourself as you work toward aligning your life with your intentions. Persistence is key, so even if you face setbacks, keep revisiting and reaffirming your intentions.
💙 Explore the impact of Patience and Time in The Daily Calm with Tamara Levitt.
7. Reflect and adjust as needed
Take time to reflect on your intentions and your progress. Are they still relevant? Have your priorities changed? It’s perfectly okay to adjust your intentions as you grow and as your circumstances change. This flexibility keeps your intentions relevant and meaningful to your life.
💙 Join Jay Shetty as shares insight on The Power of Reflection.
8. Incorporate mindfulness and meditation
Engage in mindfulness practices to enhance your connection with your intentions. Mindfulness helps you stay grounded in the present moment, making it easier to live out your intentions in your daily life.
💙 Strengthen your mindfulness practice with our Mindfulness for Beginners course.
9. Seek support and community
Sometimes, sharing your intentions with trusted friends or family members can provide additional support and accountability. You might even find communities or groups with similar intentions, which can be incredibly motivating and enriching.
Setting intentions FAQs
What does it mean to set intentions?
Setting intentions involves identifying and articulating your core values, aspirations, and the ways you wish to live your life. It's about creating a mental framework that guides your actions, thoughts, and reactions. Unlike setting goals, which are often specific and outcome-focused, intentions are more about the journey and how you want to experience life. They are deeply personal and can be related to any aspect of your life, including your emotional wellbeing, relationships, career, or personal growth.
Is it good to set intentions?
Yes, setting intentions can be incredibly beneficial. It helps in cultivating a positive and proactive mindset, guiding your daily actions and decisions toward a more fulfilling life. Setting intentions can also lead to improved mental health, as it encourages mindfulness and a focus on the present moment. It can strengthen your sense of purpose, boost your motivation, and enhance your overall sense of wellbeing.
How do you set intentions and goals?
To set intentions and goals effectively, start by reflecting on what truly matters to you. For intentions, focus on the kind of person you want to be and the values you want to embody. Incorporate practices like meditation or journaling to keep them at the forefront of your consciousness. For goals, think about the specific achievements or milestones you want to reach. Write them down in clear and positive language, and then create a step-by-step plan with actionable steps. Regularly review and adjust both your intentions and goals to ensure they stay aligned with your evolving aspirations and life circumstances.
What is manifesting through setting intentions?
Manifesting through setting intentions is about bringing your desired reality into existence by focusing your thoughts, energy, and actions on what you want to achieve or become. It involves a belief in the power of your thoughts and feelings to influence your life's outcomes. The process includes setting clear and positive intentions, visualizing your desired outcome, and taking actionable steps toward making it a reality. Manifesting is based on the principle that by aligning your thoughts and energy with your goals, you can attract opportunities and circumstances that help you realize them.
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How often do you meditate?
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5 tools you need to sleep better tonight
- Improve your sleep with these science-backed tips
- From neuroscientist and sleep expert, Dr. Matthew Walker
- Bite-sized audio lessons for long-term results
Sleep Better
Easy Tips for Better Sleep
Dr. Mathew Walker Neuroscientist and Sleep Expert- Don't Try, and Don't Worry! 4 min
- Your Sleep Type 5 min
- Sleep and Your Mood 4 min
- Your Sleep Environment 4 min
- Sleeping with Your Phone 4 min
Sleep Better
`, urls: ['/blog/vivid-dreams','/blog/how-to-prevent-nightmares','/blog/why-dont-i-remember-my-dreams','/blog/stress-dreams','/blog/waking-up-tired','/blog/how-to-get-more-deep-sleep','/blog/how-to-get-over-jet-lag','/blog/sleep-anxiety','/blog/screen-time-before-bed'] }, { title: 'grounding', html: `
Get grounded in three minutes
- Calm your body and mind using your breath
- From former monk and bestselling author, Jay Shetty
- Short audio practice to help you find balance
Calm Your Mind
Calm Your Mind
`, urls: ['/blog/5-4-3-2-1-a-simple-exercise-to-calm-the-mind','/blog/how-to-stop-intrusive-thoughts','/blog/box-breathing','/blog/driving-anxiety','/blog/grounding-techniques','/blog/how-to-stop-overthinking'] }, { title: 'fall_asleep', html: `
Ready to fall asleep with ease tonight?
- Quiet your mind and body using this guided exercise
- From mindfulness specialist Chibs Okereke
- Soothing audio session to unwind into sleep
Get To Sleep
Get To Sleep
`, urls: ['/blog/racing-thoughts-at-night','/blog/why-do-i-keep-waking-up-at-3am','/blog/breathing-exercises-for-sleep'] }, { title: 'work_stress', html: `
How to beat work stress & burnout like a boss
- Relieve stress and anxiety quickly during the workday
- From stress and burnout specialist, Chibs Okereke
- Short exercises to help you find your calm
Take a Break
Quick Breaks
Chibs Okereke Mindfulness Instructor- Managing Overwhelm 5 min
- 60 Second Reboot 1 min
- Step Away From the Computer 4 min
- Let's Unplug 4 min
Take a Break
`, urls: ['/blog/how-to-recover-from-burnout','/blog/beat-burnout','/blog/sunday-scaries'] }, { title: 'sleep_sounds', html: `
The music you need for better sleep
- Get more restful sleep with delta wave music
- Produced with Binaural Beats, scientifically shown to enhance sleep
- 8 hours of music for deep sleep
Get Deep Sleep
Delta Waves for Deep Sleep
Curated by experts at Calm- Halting Thoughts (Delta 145 Hz - 147 Hz) 60 min
- Slow Release (Delta Binaural) 60 min
- Careful Mind (Delta 83 Hz - 84 Hz) 60 min
- Calm Body (Delta Binaural) 59 min
Get Deep Sleep
`, urls: ['/blog/what-is-green-noise','/blog/sounds-to-help-you-sleep','/blog/best-music-to-fall-asleep-to'] }, { title: 'anxiety', html: `
The 11 anti-anxiety tools you need in your life
- Relieve anxiety with these game-changing tools
- From clinical psychologist & online educator, Dr. Julie Smith
- Bite-sized audio sessions for long-term relief
Overcome Anxiety
Overcome Stress and Anxiety
Dr. Julie Smith Clinical Psychologist and Educator- Calm Your Heart with Deeper Breaths 3 min
- Challenge Your Negative Thoughts 4 min
- Guided Breathing to Release Tension 10 min
- Distance Yourself From Anxious Thoughts 5 min
- Create Emotional Safety 4 min
Overcome Anxiety
`, urls: ['/blog/panic-attack-vs-anxiety-attack','/blog/how-to-calm-anxiety-attack','/blog/breathing-exercises-for-anxiety','/blog/feeling-anxious-for-no-reason','/blog/flight-anxiety-tips','/blog/affirmations-for-anxiety'] }, { title: 'relationships', html: `
How to cultivate happier and healthier relationships
- Strengthen your connections (even during conflict)
- From the Head of Mindfulness at Calm
- 12 audio sessions to create lasting change
Improve Your Relationships
Relationships with Others Series
Tamara Levitt Head of Mindfulness at Calm- Nurturing Relationships 10 min
- Holding Space 10 min
- Listening 10 min
- Boundaries 10 min
- Empathy 10 min
Improve Your Relationships
`, urls: ['/blog/how-to-overcome-social-anxiety','/blog/questions-to-ask-to-get-to-know-someone','/blog/taking-a-break-in-a-relationship','/blog/anxiety-in-relationships','/blog/long-distance-relationship','/blog/emotional-connection','/blog/first-date-nerves'] } ] appAudioData.forEach(instance => { if (instance.urls.includes(currentPath) && ctaToReplace) { const ctaToReplaceWrapper = ctaToReplace.closest('.sqs-row') if (ctaToReplaceWrapper) { ctaToReplaceWrapper.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', instance.html) ctaToReplaceWrapper.remove() } return } })}); // Audio Sample Functionality Codewindow.onload = function() { // Replace 'audioFileURL' with the direct link to your audio file const audioFileURL = ''; // Getting the play/pause button by its ID and icons by their IDs const playPauseButton = document.getElementById('harry-styles-sleep-story-play-pause-button'); const playIcon = document.getElementById('harry-styles-sleep-story-play-icon'); const pauseIcon = document.getElementById('harry-styles-sleep-story-pause-icon'); // Check if elements exist if (playPauseButton && playIcon && pauseIcon) { // Initially hide the pause icon = 'none'; // Creating the audio object const audio = new Audio(audioFileURL); // Event listener for play/pause button playPauseButton.addEventListener('click', function() { if (audio.paused) {; = 'none'; = 'block'; } else { audio.pause(); = 'block'; = 'none'; } }); // Dispatch the custom event after the player is ready let e = new Event("amplitudeaudioloaded"); document.dispatchEvent(e); }};
Calm Editorial Team